In amongst the craziness that has been the month of September – which has seen me galavant around the world due to my wedding photography work and losing my social media presence due to a malicious third party, I was sent a couple of trophies for coming second and third in the recent Digital 2022 Australian Photographic Prize.
The inaugural Australian Photographic Prize has been set up from the ashes of the now defunct AIPP awards – in which I managed to win titles of State Landscape photographer of the year in 2016 and National Science Photographer of the year in 2017 – which all seems like a lifetime ago now!
My 2022 Australian Photographic Prize results
Travel category – Second place – Sceen from a wintery Colosseum
I shot this during a rather rushed visit to the Roman colosseum while I was in town enroute to a wedding in Greece. The weather was awful, raining the entire time which I figured made for a neat shot when everyone was congragating below the Christian memorial for those persecuted during the Roman games.

Travel category – Third place – 360 shot from inside the Roman Pantheon
A huge draw card of the Roman pantheon is the almost perfect dome structure above the circular building. I wanted to capture this incredible building from all angles – so what better way to do this than with a 360 camera on a 4m long pole? I felt like a bit of a dork standing in the direct center of this historic building taking this shot, thats for sure!

Travel category – Semi Finalist – Greek Statue
I shot this fun statue and cloud combo whilst on a tourist bus nearby the Greek Capitol building in Athens – sorry not much information is coming to me! I just liked the cloud.

Landscape category – Semi Finalist – Santiago wreck
As part of the giggy elation I had when purchasing my first drone, I took it to the ship graveyard at Adelaide’s Garden island and flew over the wreck of the Santiago – the light in the early morning made for some delightful colours!